
Archive for November 28th, 2010

10,000 Laws

Additional comments to this earlier post:

Court order blocks Okla. amendment on Islamic law

I changed my view – let’s consider the laws of ALL faiths as they relate to the accused…
Let’s consider international, Christian, Jewish, Atheist, Muslim, Wicken and ALL other laws when enforcing corrections.
The conclusion I’ve reached is we have to abide by a certain set of laws that all can agree to and live under with NO SINGLE FAITH receiving preferential treatment over the others – and that is the line in the sand. The issue of preferential treatment, not the issue of discrimination-though many seek to cloud the issue and make less of it.

I once saw this quote and it has stayed with me over the years:
“We’ve enacted 10,000 laws to enforce the 10 Commandments.”

Regardless of your faith most people agree that we have to find common peace between us.
It’s also interesting to me that most people regardless of their faith or lack of it are familiar with at least 5 of the laws…I’m just saying.

The Ten Commandments
Exodus 20:2–17
Division of the Ten Commandments by religion/denomination
Commandment Jewish (Talmudic)* Anglican, Reformed, and other Christian Orthodox Christian Catholic, Lutheran**

I am the Lord your God 1 preface
You shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make for yourself an idol
Do not take the name of the Lord in vain
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
Honor your father and mother
You shall not kill/murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet‡ your neighbor’s wife
You shall not covet‡ anything that belongs to your neighbor

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